BSG Organizes Seeds of Hope & Action Exhibition at Tiny Tots HSS


JAMMU, May 20
Tiny Tots Hr Sec School in collaboration with Bharat Soka Gakkai organised an exhibition titled Seeds of Hope & Action : Making the SDGs a Reality (SOHA). The exhibition comprising 25 different panels depicted on the “Power of One” and how individual actions are important to create a more sustainable world. More than 200 students witnessed the exhibition.
Sadia Khateeb an alumni of Tiny Tots and Former Head Girl of the School, a budding actress and Mrs Veena Handa were the Chief Guests for the day.
The exhibition was inaugurated with lighting of the Lamp. A short movie on Sustainable Development Goals was displayed for the students for better understanding. This was followed by a detailed description of each panel which was carried out by the students of Tiny Tots.
Sadia Khateeb suggested to the students that they must take care of the environment and plant trees and at the same time look after the animals to maintain a balanced life on this planet. She praised the students for the efforts that they had put while describing the panels. Dr Vikram Handa, Principal of Tiny Tots highlighted the need for every individual to put in a little effort in moving towards the sustainable development goals. He noted that these little efforts of individuals become a collective whole and would make the world a better place. He congratulated BSG and the students of the school for putting up such a beautiful exhibition.


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