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A flat roof in America

BASAB DASGUPTAOne of the common features of houses in India that we all grew up in is a flat roof. Of course,...

Revisiting ‘India versus Bharat’ debate

Cleofato Almeida CoutinhoWhen the President of ‘Republic of India’ invites G20 delegates as ‘President of Bharat’ there is bound to be a...

GDP growth: Hope hinges on services

G SrinivasanThe services sector now accounts for more than half of the share in aggregate growth of gross domestic product In a...

Selective amnesia on unpalatable history

SUSHILA RAMASWAMYIN 1994, Busine Marcello Musto’s The AntiColonialist published in The Statesman (30 October 2023) ignores the fact that Marx’s views on...

India’s standing in electronics industry

G SrinivasanIt is small wonder that the government is quite serious on its objective of spurring overall semiconductor ecosystemEven as India’s overall...

Just plain Aussie ‘ockerism’ on display

Lt. General Bhopinder SinghDuring the fiercely contested 1974-75 ‘Ashes’ series ‘The Sunday Telegraph’ ran a photo of the terrifying Aussie speedsters, Dennis...

Manipur has dropped off the national political radar

Radhika RamaseshanWINTER is here and Manipur, like other states, is bracing itself for the chill. The discomfort is more acute for over...

‘Buckeye Brilliance’

RAJU MANSUKHANIIn the Ohio Union hall of Ohio State University hangs a photograph of the young Jayaprakash Narayan in a gallery titled...