Home Horoscope


Capricorn Horoscope

Take off to the stars today, Capricorn, and keep your mind and heart open to all that's possible when you have faith in yourself...

Sagittarius Horoscope

Social contact may be limited to Zoom conversations and waving to masked strangers on the street, Sagittarius, but the factors of risk and reward...

Scorpio Horoscope

Tap into the electrifying energy of a day that encourages safe, appropriate social interactions and activities, Scorpio. You'll find plenty of oxygen to keep...

Libra Horoscope

Frolic in a wide-open field today, Libra. Pick some wildflowers and put them in a vase on your kitchen table. If you can't leave...

Virgo Horoscope

Don't let things bother you, Virgo. Have confidence that you're on the right track. Your strong will and erratic habits will prove quite effective...

Leo Horoscope

You may be at a point where you just want to stop and rest, Leo. This is the time to do so. You deserve...

Cancer Horoscope

Make sure there's an equal amount of give and take in your day, Cancer. Sometimes when you love someone, you just want to keep...

Gemini Horoscope

Keep yourself open to all the possibilities that the day brings, Gemini. You'll be surprised at the incredible opportunities that come your way when...