Capacity Building for Krishi Sakhis under NMNF held at KVK Kishwtar


JAMMU, Mar 21
Five Days Training Programme on Natural Farming for KrishiSakhis under National Mission on Natural Farming (NMNF) was today started at KVK Kishtwar. The Training programme is intended for capacity building of KrishiSakhis in Natural farming for proper implementation of the mission at grass roots. 38 KrishiSakhis from the 18 clustersof the District Kishtwar attended the training programme.
The inaugural session was attended by Amjad Hussain Malik Chief Agriculture officer Kishtwar, IshaqAhnmad Dar DPM, JKRLM Kishtwar, Experts from KVK Kishtwar. During the first day of the programme KrishiSakhis were apprised of their roles and responsibilities in the National Mission on Natural; farming. ExpertLectures were held on concept and components of natural farming, role of natural farming for sustainability and need for natural farming in the present scenario. Group deliberations were held at the end of the sessions.
The programme comprises of interactive sessions, field visits, demonstrations, and expert lectures on a Natural Farming, Soil Health & Nutrient Management, Pest and Disease Management, Water Management, Farming Systems, Indigenous Traditional Knowledge, Crop and Livestock Integration, Health and Nutrition, Extension Services, Certification and Marketing of Natural Produce. Dr Narinder Paul Head KVK Kishtwar organized the training under the supervision of Dr AmrishVaid Director Extension SKUAST Jammu.Amjad Hussain Malik, Komal Sharma, LourineKouser Malik and Jatinder Singh delivered expert lectureson different aspects of natural farming and gave demonstrations during the sessions.


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