Principal Secretary DMRR&R chairs review meeting regarding “Disaster preparedness-cum-coordination”


JAMMU, Feb 28
Principal Secretary, Department of Disaster Management, Relief, Rehabilitation & Reconstruction (DMRR&R), Chandraker Bharti, today chaired a review meeting regarding ‘Disaster preparedness-cum-coordination’ at civil secretariat here. Representatives of various Administrative Departments, Divisional and District Disaster Management Authorities, SDRF, Army, PSUs, Civil Defence, Fire & Emergency Services and other concerned agencies were present in the meeting. The outstation officers participated virtually. The Principal Secretary said that the UT Government is striving hard to mitigate the damage and destruction caused by natural and manmade disasters through collective efforts of all government agencies, Non Government Organisations and the people. He had a comprehensive review of measures being implemented by various departments and agencies on this account. He asked all the emergency support functionaries, line departments, Divisional & District Disaster Management Authorities, SDRF, Fire & Emergency Services and other agencies to adopt proactive approach to deal with any disaster like situation or eventuality.
The Principal Secretary asked the concerned to focus on developing disaster management plans in every department, capacity building trainings besides ensuring regular mock drills in Schools, Colleges, Hospitals, Panchayats and disaster prone areas. He also emphasised the need for training of frontline workers of all the departments on regular basis. He asked for involvement of youths and Aapda Mitras in all the disaster management programs at Ward, Village, Panchayat, Block, Tehsil and community level. The Principal Secretary asked all the departments and DDMAs to regularly update details regarding human resources besides machinery and equipments on IDRN portal. He stressed upon the departments to ensure regular use of ‘SACHET App’. Pertinently, the general public can report through ERSS (Dial-112) regarding disaster incidents. The system will also reflect the nearby emergency support functionaries, following which prompt action can be taken accordingly by the concerned.


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