DLCDC Meeting Held at Ramban: Approval of Calendar of Activities forIYC-2025 & Review of M-PACS


Ramban, Jan 29
The 6th District Level Cooperative Development Committee (DLCDC) meeting was held today in Ramban under the chairmanship of District Development Commiss-ioner (DDC) Ramban, Baseer-Ul-Haq Chaudhary to approve the calendar of activities for the International Year of Cooperatives-2025 (IYC-2025).
The meeting was attended by Additional District Development Commiss-ioner (ADDC) Ramban, Roshan Lal, Assistant Commissioner Panchayat (ACP) Ramban, Ashfaq Ahmed, and district heads of allied departments,DDM NABARD and other officials.
During the meeting, a comprehensive calendar of activities was approved which includes organizing a Sehkar Mela, Health Camp, Organising awareness & Training Camps in collaboration with Agriculture and allied departments. The committee also approved the plan for inauguration of a Mini Super Bazaar at M-PACS Maitra, the opening of PMJAK at PHC Batote, and the establishment of two food processing units. In addition to this, an exhibition showcasing organic products from cooperatives will be held as part of the celebrations.
The committee also reviewed the decisions from the last two Joint Working Committee meetings, which were approved by the chair. One of the key discussions revolved around the Grain storage project at Village Pernote. The identified land was deemed unsuitable, and the Revenue Department was instructed to find an alternative site for the project.
Furthermore, the DDC directed the Deputy Registrar, Cooperatives (DRCS) Ramban and other committee members to expedite the formation of new M-PACS, Dairy, and Fisheries Cooperative Societies. He also instructed them to identify potential panchayats where awareness camps should be organized in collaboration with allied departments to mobilize cooperative membership. Earlier, Deputy Registrar, Cooperatives Ramban, Ms.Priyanka Sharma, delivered a PowerPoint presentation on the overall scenario of the cooperative sector in the district.


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