“SKUAST-TAJ Urges Waiver of Review System to Enhance University Professors’ Retirement Age”


jammu, Jan 8
“The superannuation age of the Professors of erstwhile State universities was enhanced from 62 to 65 years in the year 2023 with the provision of review system by the Committee headed by Chief Secretary with Vice-Chancellor of the concerned University and other members from J&K Government, for the extension in the initial year, followed by subsequent reviews for grant of further yearly enhancement by the Vice Chancellors of the respective Universities.
This review system has created a sycophancy / biased pick and choose of teachers at initial stage as well as subsequent stages of the review, resulting in humiliation, anguish and frustration amongst the Professor fraternity”, said President SKUAST-TAJ Dr. Vikas Sharma in a press statement. Dr. Vikas stressed that there should be unconditional 65 years retirement age of University Professors without any review and riders, thus, bringing uniqueness in superannuation age of all the universities of Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir as the review system for a Professor, who served the Institution for decades in the capacity of Dean, Director and even I/c Vice Chancellor, is not acceptable at any cost .
President SKUAST-TAJ pointed out that on one side, all the recommendations of the UGC related to appointment and CAS of teachers has been adopted by the Universities and on the other side, a rider has been put to enhance the age of the superannuation of the Professors from 62 to 65 years, in only erstwhile State Universities of J&K namely SKUAST-Jammu, SKUAST-Kashmir, University of Jammu and University of Kashmir. He further informed that there is always a dearth of experienced faculty at the level of Professor & equivalents in the Universities. The posts remain vacant due to non-availability of the candidates with the prescribed experience required for the position and to overcome the shortage of experienced Professors in the University, it is also imperative to enhance the retirement age of the experienced teachers / scientists from 62 to 65 years without any condition, for utilizing their expertise in long term solution of the problems related to the research and academics. An increase in retirement age of Professors without any review process will greatly support skilled / learned manpower and create a progressive atmosphere where senior faculty can contribute to sustain the New Education Policy and this will also be a positive and contributing step towards taking Indian science to the global platform, besides strengthening Indian Economy as well.


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