Regional Training Camp on NSS 80th Round Commences in Jammu


jammu, DEC 23
National Statistics Office (Field Operations Division), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India, Regional office, Jammu is organizing a three days Regional Training Camp for NSS 80th Round from December 23rd to 25th 2024in the Conference hall of Hotel Country Inn, near Bahu Plaza, Jammu. The training is being attended by the officers and the field staff of NSO(FOD) Regional office Jammu,Sub-Regional Office, Udhampur, and some officers of the Directorate of Economics & Statistics, J &K Government. The NSS 80thRound will cover the Subject “Household Social Consumption: Health’ along with a Survey on”Comprehensive Modular Survey on Telecom”
‘Household Social Consumption: Health’ aims togenerate basic quantitative information on the health sector. A vital component is theinformation relevant to the determination of the prevalence rate of morbidity amongvarious age-sex groups in different regions of the country. Further, measurement of theextent of use of health services provided by the government is an indispensable part ofthe exercise. Special attention is given to hospitalization, or medical care received as in-patient of medical institutions. The ailments for which such medical care is sought, theextent of use of government hospitals, and the expenditure incurred on treatment receivedfrom public and private sectors, are all to be investigated by the survey. The objective of theComprehensive Modular Survey (CMS) on telecom is to collect and provide informationon telecom-related indicators and ICT skills to address the requirements of DoT, MeitYetc. This survey is designed to fill existing data gaps that cannot be met by other sources,such as administrative records, other surveys etc. The collected data will also be used forreporting of global indices by line Ministries/ Departments. The three days training programme started with the Lighting of Lamp &reciting of National Anthem which was presented by Shri Sunil K. Khar, Senior Statistical Officer. The training programme was inaugurated by Shri P. Palanivel, Deputy Director General,NSO (FOD) RO Jammu. In his inaugural address he highlighted the role of National Statistics Office in developing a sound Statistical database for the use by planners and policy makers, researchers and various other agencies at the National and International level. He also outlined in detail the significance of present Round. ShriPalanivel requested the people of the UT to give full cooperation to the field Officers/ Officials of the NSO, (FOD), Government of India and Directorate of Economics & statistics, J&K Government and reiterated general public to provide correct&reliable information. In his welcome address Shri R. K. Sharma, Assistant Director NSO (FOD), Regional Office Jammu gave brief detail about NSO Survey carried out by the field officials of the NSO field staff. Shri Sharma also highlighted the importance of these surveys for nation building. Vote of thanks was presented by Shri Swaran Lal, Assistant Director, NSO (FOD) RO Jammu.

The three days training Camp will providean insight of various Terms, Concepts, Procedures and Definitions used in various Schedule of NSS 80th Round. The first two days of the Training Camp will be devoted to the discussions of Concepts and Definitions, various technical terms and contents of schedules to be canvassed in the survey along with discussion on data entry in CAPI of SE 80th Round. Third day of the Training Camp will be devoted to field training of SE 80th Round & PLFS Survey. Third day will also be devoted to the discussion & training on Sampling Design of the revised version of PLFS and changes in the PLFS Schedule. Feedback and Quiz session of both the Schemes will be done in the afternoon of third day itself with a view to assess the understanding of the subject by the trainees. Officers/field staff of NSO(FOD), Government of India as well as the Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Jammu and Kashmir Government involved in the process of data collection will get benefits from this training programme. The training will be imparted byShri R. K. Sharma, Assistant Director &Shri Sunil K. Khar& Shri P. S. JamwalSenior Statistical Officersof NSO (FOD), Government of India, Regional Office, Jammu. The overall Coordination & Comparing of the Programme was done by Shri Sunil K. Khar.


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