Pothole Crisis


The picturesque city of Jammu, renowned for its historical and cultural significance, is now marred by a less desirable feature – its dilapidated roads. Potholes of varying sizes have mushroomed across the city, not just marring its beauty but also posing a severe challenge to daily commuters. This problem, far from being a recent development, has plagued Jammu for years, steadily worsening and reaching a critical point. Every day, commuters in Jammu navigate these treacherous roads, facing not just the risk of accidents but also the frustration of traffic delays. These potholes cause vehicles to slow down significantly, leading to congested streets and a loss of valuable time. The impact extends beyond mere inconvenience; it affects the city’s economy and the mental well-being of its residents. The local administration’s response to this growing crisis has been disappointingly lethargic. There seems to be a disconnect between the urgency of the situation and the actions taken. Patchwork solutions have been the norm, with temporary fixes that barely last. These half-measures are not just inefficient but also a waste of resources, as the problem reemerges soon after. It’s time for the administration to adopt a more robust and long-term approach. The need of the hour is to completely repave the roads, integrating a design that ensures durability and longevity. Moreover, improving the city’s drainage system is crucial to prevent waterlogging, which often exacerbates the pothole problem. Equally important is the need for proactive road maintenance. Regular inspections, prompt repairs, and incorporating better construction materials can go a long way in preventing the recurrence of such issues. The people of Jammu deserve better. They deserve to travel on roads that are safe and smooth, roads that reflect the city’s stature and significance. It’s high time the administration wakes up from its slumber, recognizes the gravity of the situation, and takes decisive, effective action. Only then can the residents of Jammu truly enjoy a standard of living befitting the city’s rich heritage.


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