Media is an important mean in a healthy democracy: BJP


JAMMU, Jan 8
Media Department of Jammu & Kashmir Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) held a review meeting at party headquarter, Trikuta Nagar, Jammu to discuss and review the working of the media department dealing with the print and electronic media.
The meeting was chiefly addressed by BJP chief spokesperson Adv. Sunil Sethi and coordinated by Media Department Incharge Dr. Pardeep Mahotra.
J&K BJP spokespersons Brig. Anil Gupta, Arun Gupta, Girdhari Lal Raina, Rajni Sethi, Altaf Thakur, Purnima Sharma, Dr. Darakhshan Andrabi, Abhijeet Jasrotia, Dr. Tahir Choudhary and Balbir Ram Rattan participated in the meeting.
During the meeting, the issues related to the day-to-day working of media department were discussed threadbare. Stressing upon the importance of media as a mean in a healthy democracy, it was impressed upon all in the meeting that the media department has to work proactively in view of the approaching Lok Sabha elections.
Laying stress on the importance of decisions taken by Prime Minister Narendra Modi led Union government for the welfare of the needy and the neglected sections of the society, all the participants were of the view that the party spokespersons would leave no stone unturned to take those schemes to the targeted population. It was also stressed that the party spokespersons have the prime duty to project the party’s views and policies, so they must engage themselves consistently and pro-actively to achieve the aim.
All the party spokespersons discussed the current socio-political scenario prevailing in the Union Territory in detail and formulated the strategy to highlight the social and political affairs of Jammu & Kashmir. It was also stressed to forcibly counter the ill-motivated and divisive agenda pushed by the opposition parties to misguide readers and the viewers of print and electronic media, with the presentation of facts and figures projecting true growth of peace and prosperity in the region.


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