DB Put Cost Of Rs 10,000 To J&K Govt For Again A Prayer To Grant More Time To File Compliance?


Jammu, Feb: In CPLPA No. 14 of 2018 titled Jyoti Devi  v/s Ajit Sahu and another after hearing a CORAM of HON’BLE THE CHIEF JUSTICE HON’BLE MRS. JUSTICE SINDHU SHARMA, JUDGE ORDERED as:-

Learned counsel appearing for the respondents prays for and is allowed a week’s time and no more for depositing the costs of Rs. 1000/- in terms of order dated 08.12.2021.

A compliance report is said to have been filed yesterday but that is not available with the counsel for the petitioner.

A copy of the compliance report may be provided to learned counsel for the petitioner.


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