Kashmiri woman gets new lease of life, undergoes heart transplant surgery in Tamil Nadu


Chennai, Feb 2: A heart transplant surgery was successfully performed by a hospital in Chennai on a 33-year-old underprivileged woman hailing from Kashmir. The Kashmiri woman, who was suffering for 10 years from Restrictive cardiomyopathy, a condition where the chambers of the heart becomes stiff over time was identified by Aishwarya Trust, which funded her transplant treatment cost at MGM Healthcare, a press release said. She was on medical management with worsening heart failure symptoms and required early heart transplantation. She registered herself with the Transplant Authority of Tamil Nadu. 

On December 31, 2021 she was admitted to the hospital here with signs of severe heart failure for which she was treated. Days ago, heart of a brain-dead person from Tiruchirappalli was rushed to Chennai and a ‘high-risk heart transplantation’ was performed. Post surgery, she was soon shifted to Transplant ICU in a stable condition. She was removed from the ventilator and at present she is recovering from the surgery, doctors at MGM Healthcare said.


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