Government employees to Compulsory file property returns every year, otherwise action will be taken


It has been made mandatory for government employees in Jammu and Kashmir to file property returns every year. In this, the employees will have to upload the details of their own and their family’s assets online. Action will be taken against the employees under the Anti-Corruption Act and the Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Declaration Property Act for non-filing returns on the PRS portal from January 1 to 31.

Commissioner Secretary of General Administrative Department Manoj Kumar Dwivedi has issued the circular on Wednesday. As per the circular, the government has made filling property details employee-friendly. As a result, employees will fill in annual property details in the portal from January 1 to January 31, 2022.

The employee has to get registered on the portal through a CPIS account. Those employees who do not have CPIS numbers, their Heads of Departments will write them on the portal. After that, employees will get vigilance clearance through the portal itself.


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