Revenue Record To Be Put In Public Domain By 15th Oct In J&K


SRINAGAR: The Chief Secretary, Dr. Arun Kumar Mehta chaired a meeting to review the digitization of land records in Jammu and Kashmir and its subsequent hosting on a user-friendly portal.

Principal Secretary, Revenue Department, Commissioner/ Secretary GAD, CEO JaKeGA, and scientists from CDAC participated in the meeting.

It was informed that the IT Department has upgraded its storage capacity to host complete revenue records in the public domain.

The Chief Secretary asked CDAC to suitably upgrade the capacity of its servers in the next 15 days to enable public access to revenue records including mutation, jamabandi, girdawari, and masssavi documents.

Further, the Revenue Department was asked to develop a user-friendly interface by 15th October 2021 to enable hassle-free public access to various revenue documents.


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