Trikuta Hills fire under control, Katra-Vaishno Devi chopper services resumes



KATRA, MAY 18: Authorities have managed to bring under control the devastating fire that broke in the forests of Trikuta hills, the abode of Mata Vaishno Devi. As per reports, over 200 men – including firemen and staff of the Shrine Board – have extinguished the fire in the 40% of the affected area and are working on a war footing to douse the flames completely. The fire had led to the suspension of the chopper service from Katra to Vaishno Devi shrine. The chopper companies Himalaya and Global Vectra, as a precautionary measure, had shifted landing base to Mata Vaishno Devi University. However, normal services resumed today morning. Officials said that the fire broke out in the ridge adjoining areas to Banganga and later spread to the forest near the Katra helipad. Forest fires are often triggered by carelessness of trekkers and by those who venture into forests to collect firewood etc. Air Force choppers were also pressed into services today to douse the fire in Trikuta Hills. Fire broke out in the forest area near the Mata Vaishnoo Devi shrine in Katra area of Reasi district yesterday morning which couldn’t be controlled until late last night despite massive efforts of Katra police, Shrine Board, forest authorities and fire department.


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