Director RD Kashmir reviews progress of various schemes, CSSs at Shopian, Pulwama


SHOPIAN: The Director, Rural Development Kashmir, Qazi Sarwar today reviewed the progress of different schemes including Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSSs) viz MGNREGA, PMAY, 14th FC, RGSA being implemented by the department in Shopian and Pulwama districts.

During the review meeting held at District Headquarter Shopian, it was observed that against total Labour Budget of 7.00 lac person days under MGNREGA, District Shopian has achieved 8.23 lac person days and an amount of Rs. 3254.93 lacs stands disbursed under MGNREGA during the current financial year. The indicators under other schemes were also reviewed and the officers were enjoined upon to achieve the targets in a time bound manner. At Pulwama, the review meeting was held at District Headquarter and during the meeting it was observed that under MGNREGA, out of total Labour Budget of 7.00 lac person days, the district has achieved a target of 11.00 lac persondays and an amount of Rs. 3351.11 lacs stands disbursed during the current financial year. The Director stressed for completion of works under various schemes within stipulated time and laid stress upon creation of quality assets having wide scope of community benefits.

He also directed the concern that the designated web portals for different schemes be updated simultaneously so that the relevant information is disseminated to the general public to ensure transparency. Further the Director stressed upon the officers to be proactive in disposal of pending complaints on Grievance Portal of LG J&K UT, Grievances/ Complaints forwarded by Administrative Department, Anti-Corruption Bureau besides, the pending court cases be pursued vigorously, so as to ensure their time bound disposal. The Director also impressed upon all the officers to be punctual and adhere to the set time line for payment of wages, completion of works, geo tagging, preparation of bills, completion of PMAY (G) houses, He also asked them to expedite the progress under 14th Finance Commission Award.

The Director during the visit was accompanied by Superintending Engineer, REW Kashmir, Deputy Director (P&S), concerned Project Officer Wage Employment (ACD), concerned Executive Engineer REW, concerned BDOs of the district and others officers/officials of district Shopian and Pulwama.


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