Toy Fair, IMPACT Certificate distribution function organized by DIET Jammu


JAMMU: A Toy Fair and (Integrated Multi-disciplinary Professional Advancement Course for Teachers (IMPACT) Training Certificate distribution function was today organized here at Teachers’ Bhawan.

Project Director Samagra Shiksha, Dr. Arun Manhas was chief guest on the occasion. The programme was organized as a part of vision of National Education Policy 2020, which emphasizes learning through integrated approach. The ECCE training has to be done through Art integrated pedagogy and Toys/blocks plays a significant role. The highlight of the function, were plethora of educational toys made by the school children which were exhibited at the venue. These toys were meticulously put together challenging the creative and logical ability of children and enforcing out of the box problem solving aptitude. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Arun Manhas emphasized the importance of such activity based learning methods which rely on locally available raw materials.

He further highlighted the fact that such skills if picked at a young age can create numerous job opportunities and career options for the children in future thereby giving a big boost to the economy at a larger scale. Dr. Manhas further emphasized the imperativeness of such interventions as a paradigm shift from Content Mastery towards Competence Mastery as envisaged in the National Education Policy. The Project Director Samagra Shiksha appreciated the commendable work of all DIETs of Jammu and Kashmir for successful conduct of IMPACT Training during the COVID-19 Pandemic lockdown. The Certificates were presented to Grade II and Grade III teachers who successfully completed the IMPACT training. Pertinent to mention here that IMPACT training programme focused on capacity enhancement on aspects related to Competency- Based learning and testing, Learning centered pedagogy, School Safety and Security, Personal Social Qualities and Inclusive Education.

The training spanned across a period of one month which included online training for first five days, followed by a 21 day field work and concluded with assessment and evaluation of candidates for certificate of completion. Samagra Shiksha, through DIETs, trained 33423 Grade II and Grade III teachers as a part of IMPACT.

At the end, acclamation was accorded to the Teachers of the Department of School Education for their work as frontline workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic in different capacities.


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