India born Priya Serrao, whose family migrated to Australia from Middle East, has won the Miss Universe Australia title for 2019. Serrao edged past 26 other women from across the country in Melbourne on Thursday night to win the title. The 26-year-old will now represent Australia in the Miss Universe competition later this year. “I just want to see more diversity and the fact someone that looks like me and has my background is here is amazing,” Serrao said after her win. A law graduate who currently works in Department of Jobs, Precincts and regions in Melbourne, Serrao was born in India. Her family later moved to Oman and Dubai before finally settling in Australia. Serrao said winning the title was a huge surprise for her as it was her first beauty pageant contest. “I have never entered a pageant before and I have never done a modelling before… So this was a huge surprise. I wanted to be a part of the experience,” she added. Western Australia’s Bella Kasimba and another Victorian Marijana Radmanovic rounded out 2019’s top three, placing second and third.