Crime Branch Jammu has registered a criminal case against two persons for forgery to get compassionate appointment in MES Department. A written complaint by Shankar Singh son of late Tej Ram, resident of Village Ratnal (Bishnah) duly endorsed by Ld. Special Municipal Mobile Judicial Magistrate Ist Class Jammu was received in Crime Branch Jammu wherein he stated that his father late Tej Ram was working as a Mate in GE(P) No. 2 C/o 56 APO and designated as GE Kaluchak and he died in a motor vehicle accident on 27-09-1986 at Jammu. In his complaint, he alleged that his elder son, Bansi Lal, who was also serving in MES as an Electrician in the same office at Kaluchak managed to get appointment order of his son Darshan Singh as a Peon in MES Department on compassionate ground as ward of deceased Tej Ram, by means of forged and fabricated documents in connivance and criminal conspiracy with the officials of MES Department. The complainant further alleged that he came to know about these facts only in the month of July, 2012 when they received letter from Head Quarters commander Wks Engineers, Jammu C/o 56 APO along-with the copies of various documents. Taking cognizance of the matter, a preliminary verification was conducted by Crime Branch, Jammu. Documentary evidence established prima facie allegations levelled against the accused persons Darshan Singh and Bansi Lal of fraudulently, dishonestly and intentionally forging the documents for getting appointment in the MES Department. Connivance of officials of the MES Department was also established. Accordingly, a formal case was registered in Police Station Crime Branch, Jammu against the accused persons and investigation initiated.