Crime Branch registers land grab case in Jammu


The Crime Branch of the Jammu and Kashmir Police on Sunday registered a case against some persons including revenue officials for allegedly grabbing 5.4 hectares of state land worth crores of rupees here, a spokesman of the investigation agency said. The case was registered after an inquiry by sub-divisional magistrate, Jammu south, conclusively established that the status of mutations of the land at village Sunjwan are fake and forged, the spokesman said. He said the case has been registered against the revenue officials and the five beneficiaries — Hassan Din, Fam Ali, Fazal Hassain and Rashad Ahmed (all brothers) and Abdul Majid (attorney holder) for hatching a criminal conspiracy to fraudulently create right of tenant and ownership rights over government land. The spokesman said the Crime Branch, Jammu conducted preliminary inquiry and verified revenue documents. “The allegations levelled against the accused beneficiaries and the revenue officers/ officials were prima-facie substantiated and for the omissions and commission of offences of cheating by fabricating false, fake documents, destroying some of the evidence and for using corrupt means, a formal case was registered for further investigation,” he said.


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