Railways produced around two lakh PPE gowns, over 7 lakh masks during lockdown


Railways has produced around two lakh Personal Protective Equipment, PPE gowns and over seven lakh masks during the lockdown period. Railways Ministry said, Railway is geared up to meet the challenge of providing protection to its front line medical workers and other operational staff persons, from the COVID 19 pandemic. The Ministry said, Railway workshops took up the challenge and manufactured PPE coveralls, sanitizer and masks. Raw material for manufacturing of these items was also procured by the field units. PPE coverall target for the month of June and July are fixed as 1.5 lakhs each. Ministry of Railways has designated 50 Railway Hospitals as COVID Dedicated Hospitals and COVID Dedicated Health Centers. Facilities at these hospitals were upgraded through procurement of medical equipments and other items to meet the challenge of COVID Pandemic. The Ministry said, more than five thousand Railway coaches have already been converted to isolation coaches to serve as the Covid Care Centers to augment the capacity of health infrastructure in the country. 960 coaches have so far been placed in service at several locations based on the requests received from the States.


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