JMC intensifies drive against illegal towers


Teams of Jammu Municipal Corporation carried out comprehensive drive under the supervision of Secretary, JMC Tinna Mahajan against the illegal towers installed by various Telecom Companies within the limits of JMC. The drive was conducted in continuation to the series of drives which has been started since long on regular basis. The drive was conducted on May 30, 2020 under instructions of Commissioner, JMC Avny Lavasa, in the Nanak Nagar area. During the drive, three towers were disconnected which were functioning illegally. Two towers of Airtel and one Jio tower were being disconnected by the team of JMC. Six regular size and two big size batteries, one CPU were recovered from the site. The Telecom companies were warned that they should desist from such activities to avoid penal action against them. Also, the citizens are appealed to cooperate with the Jammu Municipal Corporation regarding any such illegal activity.


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