EM&RE Division-II, Gandhi Nagar of Power Development Department (PDD) on Tuesday intensified its ongoing drive against pilferage of power. The aforesaid drive was conducted under the guidance of P D Singh, Executive Engineer in various areas falling under the jurisdiction of Shastri Nagar Sub Division. A number of Inspection Teams headed by AEE Jagdeep Singh Sasan, AE B S Chib and AE Balbir Kumar along with Feeder Managers and other field staff conducted inspections in different areas of the Sub Division. During the inspection in Greater Kailash area, a total of 22 consumers were inspected out of which 12 consumers were found using more than sanctioned load. At Dream Home Apartments, 14 illegal connections were found, which were disconnected on the spot and service lines were removed. At Rani Talab, 21 consumers were inspected, out of which 4 consumers were found using more than sanctioned load. At Sanjay Nagar, about 45 consumers were inspected and 18 illegal hooks were removed on the spot. Besides, load of 27 consumers was enhanced during the inspection. All defaulters were penalised under appropriate clauses of J&K State Electricity Act.