To make sure that nobody sleeps hungry in Gandhi Nagar constituency, which he represented in the J&K Assembly, senior BJP leader and ex-Deputy CM, Kavinder Gupta Thursday visited Masjid Mohalla at Bahu and distributed ration kits and other items of daily use among the locality people. Gupta distributed ration kits under ‘Nar Seva Narayan Seva’ campaign at Masjid Mohalla, Bahu Fort. With this, almost every household of the sprawling Bahu area has been approached and provided with essentials by Kavinder and his team. Talking to locals on the occasion, Mr Gupta called upon them to strictly follow social distancing and lockdown norms whenever they move out of their houses. “Stay home to stay safe and step out only under unavoidable circumstances,” he added. He said the war against the invisible enemy, ie COVID-19, can be won only by taking precautions and following guidelines issued by the Government of India from time to time. “We shall surely win this war against the invisible and deadly coronavirus. Since every citizen knows that COVID-19 is spreading steadily, we can stop it from spreading further only by staying indoors and maintaining social distancing whenever we move out of our houses. It is advisable to stay away from others whenever one feels like having symptoms of the disease to prevent its further spread among family members and others. Social distancing is very important for the people who are at higher risk of getting sick,” he added. Gupta also extended Ramadan greetings to the Muslim brethren and complimented them for following the Government directives. He also appreciated the religious leaders for staying indoors in view of the lockdown restrictions and offering prayers at home only. “The Union Government under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken much needed steps to control the spread of COVID-19. The early, decisive, rapid, coordinated and comprehensive implementation of the coronavirus control measures has proved to be more effective in slowing down the spread of the disease,” he added. Rajiv Charak, Anuradha Charak, Vinay Gupta, Narinder Gupta, Councilor Sharda Devi, Subhash Kumar, Vivek Kumar Patyal, Harish Kumar Balgotra, Masjid President Abdul Rashid, Shah Mohammad, Mohammad Yasin Mir and former Royal Mosque president Zafar Khan were also present on the occasion.