Dogra Sadar Sabha felicitated British MP Bob Blackman


Jammu | Feb 16: Dogra Sadar Sabha here today felicitated the ‘Friend of Dogras’—Bob Blackman, Member of Parliament for Harrow East, House of Commons, London (UK) along with his wife Mrs. Nicola Blackman, Mrs. Lakshmi Kaul, Founder, Kashmiri Pandits Cultural Society UK & Mrs. Manu Khajuria Singh, Founder of Voice of Dogras in UK both are UK based Indians and both hail from Jammu and Kashmir State.
The function started with welcoming of these guests at Dogra Sadar Sabha by applying vermilion over their foreheads then these guests were taken to Pratap Hall of Sabha where they were introduced with the audience.
The function started with lighting of ceremonial lamp by all these guests accompanied by the Sabha President Thakur Gulchain Singh Charak, President J&K Ex-Services League, Maj. Gen. Goverdhan Singh Jamwal (Retd.) and others.
In his welcome address General Jamwal lauded the efforts of Blackman in pleading the cause of India in general and Jammu in particular at UK, Europe and USA. He also lauded the glorious history of Dogra warriors ranging from Maharaja Ghulab Singh to General Zorawer Singh to General Baj Singh and finally Brigadier Rajinder Singh—Saviour of Kashmir.
Lakshmi Koul while speaking on the occasion talked about beauty of Jammu and Kashmir and termed nationalist ideology above all interests.
Manu Khajuria Singh in her address said that she being an ambassador of Jammu feels proud. She said that secularism, pluralism and nationalism are die hard qualities of Dogras. She further said that Mr. Bob Blackma is a regular visitor of temples in UK.
Speaking on this occasion DSS President Th. Gulchain Singh Charak welcomed the UK MP and highlighted the achievements of Dogra Sadar Sabha. He said that Dogras form a brave class among Indians.
He further said “Having given the background let me restate, ‘Secularism and Communal harmony’ are the corner stones of the philosophy of the Dogra Sadar Sabha which indeed truly represents the mind and heart of a Dogras. What the World knew for Centuries about ‘Kashmiriyat’ born out of historical and cultural factors brought about by Sufism to the valley and yet we saw in 1990 in the same valley the same people threw their part of the society which gave them the World known ethos of Kashmiriyat overnight. It was all planned and executed by Pakistan as they think Pakistan is incomplete without Kashmir. Kashmiri Pandits became refugees in their own Country. It is the Dogras who welcomed them and provided them space. Then the people started understanding the Dogras Culture, ‘the Dogriyat.’ The Dogras have not only provided space to the Kashmiri Pandits but also to the Secular Muslims from the valley and from the other parts of the State, particularly from the remote areas and from the Borders where their lives were threatened and were in danger from their own religions strange enough. Besides, Jammu also provided space to anybody to everybody, refugees from Pakistan in 1947 and from our own State people from the areas disturbed in the Wars of 1965, 1971. Dogras believe in the philosophy of secularism and communal harmony which is in our blood and we are perhaps paying for it. Yet we will not deviate from it and that’s what is the Dogra Sadar Sabha which invites you with all the admiration for all what you have done for us.
The international community knows about Kashmir as an issue between India and Pakistan and recently due to the ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits from the valley of Kashmir. The pro Pakistan lobby in Kashmir has been able to influence the opinion of some nations especially Muslim countries and even shown their presence in some international forums raising the issue of so called Indian occupation in Kashmir.
Bob Blackman you would have understood the magnificent struggles the Dogras have gone through to preserve the social & religious harmony, heritage and integrity of the State. It is unfortunate that inspite of nationalistic character and immense contribution of Dogras in shaping the destiny of J&K, the voice of Dogras is not being heard at international level. We request Mr. Bob Blackman to consider and use his good offices for raising this issue and ensure that Dogra Sadar Sabha, the representative body of Dogras gets its due place in any negotiations over Kashmir issue in international foras”
While speaking on the occasion Blackman said that he grew up among people of Indian origin. He called himself as friend of India, Jammu and Kashmir and Dogras.
He made a reference of the incident where the Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed British Parliament and termed Modi as friend from India.
He further said that Jammu and Kashmir state has a lot of potential to progress. He said that militants should be called as terrorists and exposed. Blackman also said that Accession of J and K with India is full and final and J and K is, was and will remain integral part of India.
He expressed concern over the illegal occupation of some part of Kashmir by Pakistan and China and said that the State had fully acceded to India and the illegal occupation should end. He had all praises for the valour of Dogras and their rule.
The proceedings of the functions were carried out by Sh. Ravi Kant and Sh. Gambhir Dev Singh Charak, Incharge Youth Wing Dogra Sadar Sabha.


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