National Commission for Women (NCW) Chairperson Rekha Sharma on Thursday wrote to Chief Minister of Delhi Arvind Kejriwal seeking the inclusion of women members in the Council of Ministers. NCW, in a release, said that the commission received an email/letter on February 20 requesting it to take up the matter with the Delhi Chief Minister for the inclusion of at least one women in the Cabinet/Council of Ministers of Delhi government by amending Article 239 (5) of the Constitution. “The Commission Chairperson, Rekha Sharma has written to Chief Minister of Delhi Arvind Kejriwal, on expressing the concern of no women representative has been given a berth in his Council of Ministers,” read the release. It added, “It has been conveyed that various kinds of equality, including political equality, political leadership, and power-sharing is one of the most basic, intrinsically valuable as it is the key to equality on other realms, and all citizens are supposed to be given equal representation and leadership irrespective of gender.” Sharma has also requested Kejriwal to consider inducting a couple of women Legislators in the Council of Ministers of Delhi Assembly stating it would help them achieve equality of rights as well as participate in the development of the country.