Congress interim president Sonia Gandhi met President Ram Nath Kovind here on Thursday and demanded the removal of Home Minister Amit Shah over Delhi violence. She along with former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and other party leaders called on President Ram Nath Kovind at Rashtrapati Bhavan. “We call upon you (President) to ensure that life, liberty, and property of citizens are preserved. We also reiterate that you should immediately call for the removal of the Home Minister for his inability to contain violence,” Gandhi said to the reporters after meeting President. Meanwhile, former PM Manmohan Singh also said that the incidents of violence in Delhi was a “reflection on the total failure of the Central government.” “We called upon President to suggest him that what has happened in last four days in Delhi is a matter of great concern and a matter of national shame in which at least 34 people have died and 200 people are injured, it is a reflection on the total failure of the Central government,” Singh said. Several other Congress leaders, including Ghulam Nabi Azad, Kumari Selja, Mallikarjun Kharge had been a part of the party delegation which called upon the President on Thursday. Meanwhile, the death toll in the incidents of violence in North-East Delhi has risen to 33 after another person passed away at the Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan (LNJP) hospital here. Out of the total, three deaths have been reported from LNJP Hospital and 30 from GTB Hospital. On Wednesday, GTB Hospital informed that on February 24, five people were brought dead and on February 25, 15 people were brought dead. Out of the 20 people, five had blunt injuries, nine had gunshot injuries, three had stab injuries and one had burn injuries. In total, 132 civilians and 31 police personnel were admitted to GTB hospital on February 24 and February 25. Delhi Police has registered 18 FIRs and 106 people have been arrested in connection with the violence in North-East Delhi. The situation in the national capital is, however, returning back to normal according to the police officials.