After more than three months of non-stop entertainment and spectacular singing, Indian Idol 11 has finally come to an end. The show found its winner in Bhatinda (Punjab’s) Sunny Hindustani. The youngster bagged the Indian Idol 11’s trophy and a cash prize of Rs 25 lakhs. He also bagged an opportunity of singing in the next project of T-series. Sunny was pitted against four finalists Ankona Mukherjee, Adriz Ghosh, Ridham Kalyan and Rohit Raut. Sunny, who mesmerised everyone with his soulful singing and sang medley of songs like Bhar Do Jholi Meri, Halka Halka Suroor won praises from Ayushmann Khurrana and Neena Gupta who were the special guests on the finale night. Rohit and Sunny were in the top two and Ankona Mukherjee emerged as the second runner-up and she received a cash prize of Rs 5 lakhs. Ridham and Adriz fourth and fifth respectively and they got Rs 3 lakhs each. Sunny has been one of the most discussed contestants ever since he walked into the audition round. His voice resembles a lot with Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and the moment he arrived for the auditions, he left the three judges Vishal Dadlani, Neha Kakkar and Anu Malik (who had to step down due to Me Too accusations) shocked. He became an instant hit and everyone’s favourite since audition. He is also called as Nusrat Sahib’s Roo (soul). In one of the episodes, actor Kunal Kemmu was so impressed by Sunny’s singing that he gifted him Lord Lakshmi’s locket. Not just Kunal, even Ajay Devgn and wife Kajol were impressed with Sunny’s singing and had praised him. The finale night also had performances from Krushna Abhishek and Bharti Singh. This season has been in the news because of Neha Kakkar and host Aditya Narayan’s wedding gimmick.