Bharatiya Janata Party leader and member of parliament in Rajya Sabha, Shamsher Singh Manhas Wednesday said that recent incidents of violence in Chenab valley were attempts to revive militancy in the area. Speaking at a press conference here, the MP asked the administration to take strict measures against antinational elements and suppress their bid before the situation slips out of hand. “Recent killing of a man in Bhaderwah, killing of RSS workers and his personal security officers in April and last year’s killing of Parihar brothers in Kishtwar (BJP leaders) is a larger plan to terrorise erstwhile Doda district again,” Manhas said.
“These incidents of violence are dragging militancy-free zones of Jammu to a situation like earlier 90s when nobody dared to come to these places.”
Manhas was part of a BJP delegation which recently visited Bhaderwah and Kishtwar towns and met with prominent locals and key social groups to take firsthand account of the situation.
“Due to aggressive operations in south Kashmir the militants successfully sneaked into Kishtwar, Ramban and Bhaderwah. Taking advantage of dense forests, natural caves and difficult topography they manage to hide themselves and strike according to plan,” the BJP MP claimed, lashing out at the state administration for its failure to track down hiding militants in the Chenab area.
“A number of agencies is active in Jammu and Kashmir and every information has been shared with administration but local administration failed to nab them. There should be an investigation on working of local administration.”
Manhas also voiced his concern over fear among the minority community after the “selective killings” in the area and asked for a befitting reply to all antinational and antisocial elements.
The MP said that Governor’s administration should strengthen local defense systems and empower village defense committees (VDCs) along with the deployment of forces to ensure the upkeep of normalcy in the region.
“Deployment of army battalions and special forces like CRPF, JAKLI and SOG in the region will also positively work to defeat the evil design of antinational elements,” he said.