BSP supremo Mayawati on Tuesday appealed the Centre to remove all apprehensions, especially of Muslims over the issue of Citizenship law and National Register of Citizens (NRC). She said it would be better if Muslims are satisfied amid the tension and fear triggered in the community after the passage of Citizenshipship (Amendment) Bil, 2019. “It is demanded that the Central Government should remove all the apprehensions, especially of the Muslims over the issue of the Citizenship Amendment Act and NRC, and if they are fully satisfied, then it will be better,” Mayawati tweeted in Hindi. However, the BSP chief warned Muslims to be ‘careful’, stating that they have to see if they are being exploited politically in the guise if the issue. “But with this, people of Muslim society should also be careful that somewhere in the guise of this issue, they are not being exploited politically or they are being suppressed by this,” her another tweet read. On Monday, Mayawati had expressed deep remorse over the incidences of violence that took place across the nation and in Uttar Pradesh in the backdrop of the CAA and NRC. She termed the violence “unfortunate”. Protests erupted in different parts of the country including Uttar Pradesh over the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019, which grants Indian citizenship to Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Parsis, Buddhists and Christians fleeing religious persecution from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh and came to India on or before December 31, 2014. The services were snapped in several cities of Uttar Pradesh in the view of the violent protests against the amended Citizenship Act last week. Restrictions under Section-144 of CrPC has also been imposed in various parts of the state considering the prevailing law and order situation.