Mayor Jammu Municipal Corporation Chander Mohan Gupta conducted a tour of Govt. Girls Higher Sec. School Bakshi Nagar, Jammu. He was accompanied by senior officers of Jammu Municipal Corporation which includes Suresh kumar Gupta, Health Officer, Rakesh Bhatt, Transport Officer, Parshotam Kumar Asstt. Sanitation Officer, Sanitary Inspector of the ward and other officers of the department Subash Gupta Principal of the said school, other Staff members. Prem Gupta Senior BJP leader, School management committee members & inhabitants of the locality were also present there and put forth their major issues for the betterment of the said school which includes maintaining of proper sanitation in and around the school, cutting of extra grass in the school ground installation of high mask as well as street lights in the school as large number of residents visits here for morning and evening walk in the school ground and due to darkness & insanitary condition , they have to face lot of hardships. Mayor assured the school authorities as well as committee members that all their demands be sorted out at an earliest and directed the officers to deploy man, machinery and install High mask lights in the school. Mayor also distributed school uniforms to the needy children studying in the school and asked the management to organize awareness programmes regarding “Beti Badao Beti Bachao” & encourage the parents to enroll more & more girls in the school so that they get education in the school and avail benefits from various other schemes launched by Narender Modi, Prime Minster of India especially for girls. He also appealed to the staff & management committee members to launch awareness about the ill effects of single use plastic polythene & plant more and more saplings in and around the school premises to have healthy and green environment in the school.