Sixty two percent students passed annual class 12th regular examination as Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education (JKBOSE) declared results on Friday. A press statement issued by JKBOSE said that for the annual session 2019, a total of 38964 students were enrolled for the class 12th examination, out of which 24045 (62%) passed the examination.“The pass percentage of boys is 57% while the pass percentage of girls is 67%. The overall pass percentage of students who appeared in the examination through government school remained 55.7% where the pass percentage of private school remained 73.07%,” said the statement. The press statement also said that 6314 students passed with distinction, 10473 with first division, 6598 with second division, 660 with third division while 13415 students were declared re-appeared and 1504 failed in the examination. “67 students were absent while eligibility of 1053 students was disputed, 2 were disqualified and examination of 17 others was cancelled,” it said. Meanwhile, with first topper in all the streams from Jammu district, total 75 students bagged the positions.
In science stream, 33 students bagged positions. Ankit Bargotra son of Tarsaim Kumar and Anita Devi from Government SRML Higher Secondary School, Parade Ground, Jammu and Rahul Taak son of Rajesh Kumar and Dimple Rani from Little Angels Higher Secondary School, Kathua shared the first position in science stream with 98% marks while three students-Nitish Verma son of Kamal Lal and Anita Kumar from Shiksha Niketan Higher Secondary School, Jeevan Nagar, Jammu Prerna Heera daughter of Rajinder Prashad Heera and Neelam Heera from Oriental Academy, Afghan Mohalla, Jammu and Urshila Bhat daughter of Yoginder Bhat and Urmila Khar of Coventry Scholars Higher Secondary School, Chinnore, Jammu-shared the second position with 97.8% marks and two students-Abhinandan Khajuria son of Romesh Chander Khajuria and Kamlesh from Infant Jesus Higher Secondary School, Hiranagar, Kathua and Varun son of Dev Raj and Shyama Devi from SP Higher Secondary School, Exchange Road, Jammu-jointly shared the third position with 97.6% marks.
In Commerce stream, total 23 students bagged the positions. Rahat Gupta daughter of Rajesh Gupta and Sheetal from SP Higher Secondary School, Exchange Road, Jammu bagged the first position with 97.4% marks while Vansh Gupta son of Ajay Gupta and Shama Gupta from Mother India Senior Secondary School, RS Pura, Jammu bagged the second position with 97% marks and three students-Himanshu Kumar son of Subash Kumar and Radha Rani from Oriental Academy, Afghan Mohalla, Jammu, Rithik Gupta son of Sanjay Kumar and Sindhu from Government SRML HSS Parade Ground Jammu and Saksham Khajuria son of Kuldeep Khajuria and Shyama Khajuria from Shiksha Niketan Higher Secondary School, Jeevan Nagar, Jammu-jointly shared the third postion with 96% marks.
In Arts stream, total 16 students bagged the positions. First position was jointly shared by Damini Sharma daughter of Ravi Sharma and Shashi Sethi from Shiksha Niketan Higher Secondary School, Jeevan Nagar, Jammu and Tanya Sharma daughter of Roop Lal Sharma and Neelam Sharma from Shiksha Niketan Higher Secondary School, Jeevan Nagar, Jammu with 97.8% marks, while Anmol Sharma daughter of Sanjeev Sharma and Monika Rani from Government Girls Higher Secondary School, Bishnah bagged the second position with 97.4% marks and Guneet Kour daughter of Gurtaj Singh and Parul Raina from Sri Guru Gobind Singh Public HSS, Kunjwani, Jammu bagged the third psotion with 97% marks.
In Home Science stream, three students bagged positions. Narayani Sharma daughter of Manoj Sharma and Pooja Sharma from Government Girls Higher Secondary School, Mubarak Mandi bagged 77.8% marks while Draqsha Naaz daughter of Nazir Ali and Shagufta Begum from same school bagged 65% marks and Ashika Bhandari daughter of Munish Bhandari and Priya Bhandari from same school bagged third position with 53.8% marks.