Jammu festivals concludes with composite poetic symposium DSS to preserve unity in diversity at all costs—–Charak


Jammu 16 April, 2016

The Dogra Sadar Sabha (J&K) concluded its Jammu festival with a scintillating composite poetic symposium held in the Sabha Bhawan at Jammu today.

The Deputy Chief Minister Prof. Nirmal Singh was the Chief Guest where as the Sh. Pawan Kotwal, Divisional Commissioner was the Guest of Honor. The president of Dogra Sadar Sabha Gulchain Singh Charak presided over and the eminent dogri writer and the daughter of soil Padma Sachdeva was special invitee.

In his presidential address Gulchain Singh Charak reiterated that the main objective of Dogra Sadar Sabha is to preserve the prestige, culture, heritage of the Dogra region as also to maintain the age old tradition of communal harmony, brotherhood, peace and tranquility. Giving the historic back ground of the Sabha, Charak added that it was established in the year 1904 & the poetic symposium would be an annual feature. He also lauded the administration for providing different facilities in connection with the celebration of Jammu Festival.

The Deputy Chief Minister while speaking on the occasion eulogized the Sabha for its efforts and cooperation to maintain law and order and communal harmony in the state. Appreciating the efforts of the Sabha in cementing the social relation between the different sections of the society, he said that the Govt. will provide every possible help to Sabha in furthering the activities. The speaker lauded the role of Sabha and said that this is the only organization which has played a vital role in maintaining and preserving the prestige, culture & heritage of the Dogras. The Education Minister Priya Sethi also spoke and lauded the Sabha. Padma Sachdeva shared her memories with DSS and stressed the need for further promotion of the activities.

A galaxy of about 22 poets drawn from different parts of Jammu region enthralled the audience by their thrilling composition in different languages spoken in Jammu region. Renowned dogri poet and daughter of soil Padama Sachdeva attended the function on the special invitation of the sabha. The theme of all the poets focused on the prestige, culture, heritage, traditions & history of the Dogras. The recitations also focused on national integration, patriotism, communal harmony, brotherhood, peace and tranquility. Some of the poets recited their composition in musical forms.

The symposium was attended by a large number of people drawn from all section of the society. Later, the poets were honored by the Sabha.

Poets:- Sh.Kuldeep Kippi, Dr. Gian Singh, Sh.Rattan Doshi, Smt.Usha Kiran, Sh.Nirmal Vinod , Sh.Pyasa Anjum, Sh.Surinder Sagar, Sh.Sushil Begana, Smt.Promila Manhas , Sh.Darshan Darshi, Smt.Vijaya Thakur, Sh.Gianeshwar Sharma, Dr.Baljeet Raina, Sh.Swami Anter Nirave, Dr.Sabir Mirza Rajouri, Mr.Sheikh Azad Ahmad Azad, Ch.Gh.Sarwar Chouhan, Mr.Ayaz Ahamad Saif, Sh.Sham Talib, Sh.Ved Uppal, Sh.Sajjad Poonchi & others.


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