Sonali Bendre, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Jaya Bachchan, and Shweta Bachchan together celebrated the festival of Karwa Chauth with zeal on Thursday. Taking to Instagram, Sonali shared an adorable snap of how she along with Bachchans and other ladies marked the day. “Moon spotting #KarwaChauth, Jaya aunty,” she captioned her post. While Aishwarya looked elegant clad in yellow saree with a floral print, the ‘Hum Saath – Saath Hain ‘star looked gorgeous in a red saree. Jaya Bachchan and daughter Shweta Bachchan also looked their best wearing light blue and pink outfits respectively. Everyone including Aishwarya’s daughter, Aaradhya Bachchan was all smiles in the picture. Other Bollywood celebrities including Shilpa Shetty, Raveena Tandon, Padmini Kolhapure, Neelam Kothari also celebrated Karwa Chauth at Sonam Kapoor’s residence as her mother Sunita turned host for the evening. The actors wore hues of red and looked their best while performing rituals. While some were seen draped in the traditional style saree, others added a twist to it and some put on a salwar kurta for the occasion. Apart from them, Sanjay Kapoor’s wife Maheep was also present in traditional finery. Karwa Chauth is a Hindu festival for married women in North India, in which they observe fast from sunrise to moonrise for a day for the safety and long lives of their husbands.