Northern Army Commander Lieutenant General Ranbir Singh on Tuesday witnessed an exercise by integrated soldiers of all arms and services in the Super High Altitude area in Eastern Ladakh. He was briefed on the conduct of the exercise by Lieutenant General YK Joshi, General Officer Commanding, Fire and Fury Corps. The exercise encompassed employment of mechanised forces with force multipliers integrating high technology platforms, an official statement said. “Complimenting the commanders and jawans for the outstanding display of professional competence and warfighting capability in extreme terrain and altitude conditions, Singh expressed confidence that the Northern Command will continue its legacy of excelling in combat in case if a conflict takes place in the country,” the statement said. The Northern Army Commander said that with the induction of new weapon systems and high tech equipment, the capability and lethality of the Indian Army was progressively improving each passing day. Singh called upon all ranks to remain vigilant and maintain a high-order operational readiness, the statement outlinne.
Home Photo Gallery Northern Army Commander witnesses integrated exercise in Ladakh, reviews operational readiness