Apple unveiled its iPhone 11 models on Tuesday, touting upgraded, ultra-wide cameras as it updated its popular smartphone lineup and cut its entry price to $699 (Rs 50,300). Apple’s new iPhone 11 will come with two back cameras, including an ultra wide-angle lens and the next generation of microchips, the A13, but few big apparent changes. The Apple 11 Pro will have three cameras on the back. The newest handsets come as Apple seeks to spur new upgrades in a slumping global smartphone market. The new iPhones are “jam packed with new capabilities and an incredible new design,” Apple chief executive Tim Cook told a launch event in Cupertino, California. The surprise from Apple was the reduction in the entry-level price at $699, down from the starting level of $749 for the iPhone XR a year ago even as many premium devices are being priced around $1,000. Apple additionally unveiled a more expensive “Pro” model of the iPhone 11. It also set launch dates for its original video offering, Apple TV+, and its game subscription service as part of efforts to reduce its dependence on the iPhone. The TV+ service will launch November 1 in more than 100 countries at $4.99 per month and will include a “powerful and inspiring lineup of original shows, movies and documentaries”. Apple is featuring scripted dramas, comedies and movies as well as children’s programs in the service, which will compete against streaming giants like Netflix and Amazon. “With Apple TV+, we are presenting all-original stories from the best, brightest and most creative minds, and we know viewers will find their new favorite show or movie on our service,” said Zack Van Amburg, Apple’s head of video. Apple said customers who purchase an iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, iPod touch or Mac will get the first year of the service for free. The company’s online gaming subscription service, Apple Arcade, will launch next week, offering exclusive titles for mobile and desktop users. The new service, which will also cost $4.99 per month, will include more than 100 game titles made for Apple devices. “You can’t find these games on any other mobile platform or subscription service, no games service ever launched as many games, and we can’t wait for you to play all of that,” product manager Ann Thai told the Apple media event. Apple also unveiled updates to the Apple Watch and iPad. The Apple Watch Series 5 will have an always-on display, an 18-hour battery life and international emergency calling in over 150 countries. Prices start at $399 or $499 with cellular service and will be available to order Tuesday and in stores Sept. 20. The Series 3 Apple Watch will start at $199. Apple said the seventh generation of the iPad will start at $329 and be available to order starting Tuesday and in stores on Sept. 30