DIC Shopian organises Awareness camp/ Workshop on PM Vishwakarma Scheme


An awareness camp cum workshop regarding implementation of PM Vishwakarma scheme, onboarding of trades on e-commerce platforms was organised by District Industries Centre (DIC) Shopian in coordination with state level project implementation unit in the conference hall of Mini-Secretariat Shopian.
The event was attended by General Manager DIC Shopian, Principal Govt Polytechnic College Shopian, Superintendent ITI Shopian and private training partners of the district. Moreover, a large number of Vishwakarmas participated in the event.
In his address, General Manager DIC Shopian elaborated the key aspects of the scheme and highlighted the need of organising such camps from time to time.
The experts from SL- PIU informed the participants about the possible opportunities presently available in the e-marketing space like the GEM portal, Flipkart, Amazon etc.
The benefits of e-marketing were also explained on the occasion. The Vishwakarmas were also informed regarding local developed e-commerce portals like KACI and Help Rush etc.
Later, a Q&A session followed wherein the participants made queries and sought suggestions from the experts. The experts ascertained that all the queries will be addressed promptly and the suggestions will be shared with the authorities for consideration.
Among others, officers and officials of DIC were present at the event.


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