Dogra Degree College organizesindustrial visit to JKMPCL’s Milk Plant


Bari Brahmana, Mar 11
In line with the teaching methodology in place, Dogra Degree College organized an industrial visit to the Jammu & Kashmir Milk Production Cooperation Ltd. (JKMPCL) in Satwari, Jammu.
The visit was divided into two groups to accommodate all students effectively.
The first group, consisting of BBA 2nd Semester students, visited the industrial unit under the supervision of Sonia Gupta.
The second group, comprising BBA 4th & 6th Semester students, is scheduled to visit the facility on March 12, 2025, under the guidance of Mr. Ashish Thakur.
During the visit, the students had the opportunity to interact with the HR Manager and his team of technicians, who provided insights into JKMPCL, an apex cooperative society registered under the Self-Reliant Cooperative Act of 1999 in J&K. The organization aims to ensure the successful operation of cooperative initiatives for the welfare of milk producers in the UT, managed by the producers themselves. In addition to milk procurement, JKMPCL has gained the trust of both milk producers and the UT government.
Its objectives include generating employment for milk producers by establishing a financially viable cooperative organization that also provides fresh and pasteurized quality milk and milk products to urban consumers under the brand name “SNOW CAP.”
The students learned about the operation of various machines, including milk chillers, pasteurizers, inline strainers, silos, weigh bowls, dump tanks, float balance tanks, SS milk pumps, insulated storage tanks, cream ripening tanks, cream separators, and cream pasteurizers. They also gained insights into the safety measures implemented by the management and the quality checks adopted to ensure that the manufactured products meet high-quality standards.
This visit provided the students with a deeper understanding of the manufacturing process, marketing strategies, human resource policies, and initiatives aimed at increasing sales.
The question-and-answer session opened discussions on management concepts, marketing, HR, and competitive issues in a working environment, which are crucial for their academic and professional growth.
Overall, this collaborative effort between the industry and the institution aimed to enhance the theoretical knowledge of the students through practical exposure.


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