Apologize to Kashmiri Pandits beforecommenting on their return: GL Raina


Publish White Paper on eruption of terrorism, separatism and forced expulsion of Kashmiri Pandits

jammu, Feb 7
Reacting strongly to the insinuation of NC general secretary Ali Mohd Sagar regarding post 2019 situation in Jammu Kashmir, Girdhari Lal Raina former MLC and spokesperson of BJP JK has demanded a white paper on situation post 1947 in J&K including creation of separatist constituency, eruption of terrorism as a tool of political blackmail and marginalization and complete expulsion of religious minorities of Kashmir 1989 when NC-Congress alliance was in power.
Why limit white paper to just the return of Kashmiri Pandits post 2019, he asked? GL Raina demanded a comprehensive white paper on politics of blackmail, separatism and use of terrorism as a tool to achieve political objectives. NC must come out clean on white paper published by Congress government in January 1985 that revealed how the then Farooq government had adopted too-lenient attitude toward Sikh and Muslim extremists in the valley; had released on parole all detenus who were allegedly involved in cases of bomb explosions in the state; had misappropriated funds in buying a helicopter and a fleet of trucks from a private agency and indulged in gross financial indiscipline. The congress government had further accused the NC president’s alleged relationship with the extremists in Jammu Kashmir.
NC must tell people about the discussion under the calling attention TO MATTER OF URGENT PUBLIC IMPORTANCE on Reported increase in terrorist activities by extremist elements in Jammu and Kashmir posing a threat to the unity and integrity of the nation in the Parliament on April 30, 1984. The speaker exposed the NC government of that period headed by Dr. Farooq Abdullah and its failure to curb activities taken in the form of secessionist propaganda, violent incidents with bomb explosions and threat to life and property of various persons. It was the complete failure of the NC government of 1984 in 1987-89 that resulted in mass exodus of the entire religious minority of Kashmir including Kashmiri Pandits, GL Raina stressed.
He demanded an unconditional apology from NC party and its leaders for not only failing Kashmiri Pandits but leading a venomous propaganda campaign to malign former governor Jagmohan who in fact was saviour of KP minority in Kashmir.


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