Linking development with statehood not justified: Dr. Manyal


JAMMU, Feb 3
Jammu and Kashmir BJP General Secretary & MLA, Dr. Devinder Kumar Manyal, has said that the pace of development in Jammu and Kashmir after the abrogation of Article 370 has accelerated and the Unio Territory is scaling new heights in every sphere with each passing day.
Dr. Devinder Kumar Manyal was reacting to the statement of a cabinet minister of NC government, wherein, he had stated that J&K will not move forward unless statehood is restored. He said that there is no logic in making such statements when they have all the departments to do the necessary development and people oriented welfare works. There is no justification in linking the progress and development with statehood, he said.
“Development has nothing to do with the statehood and the same can be verified by looking at the ground realities after the reorganization of Jammu and Kashmir and turning it into UT” Manyal said, adding that it is not the statehood but the will to deliver and the government should focus on practical word instead of diverting the attention of the people from its failures.
Dr. Devinder Kumar Manyal said that the work on rail, bridges, roads, flyovers, educational and health institutions did not come to halt even for one day after the abrogation of 370 but got more speed and many completed after 2019, when there was Union Territory and not state.
He added that the transformation of the J&K into the 2 Union Territories was an essential step which controlled the stone-pelting incidents, the wave of separatism, the calendars of Hartal and streamlined law and order situation giving boost to the local economy and the attraction of tourisms advancing the J&K onto the path of peace and prosperity.
He said that it depends on the political will of a party in power to concentrate on governance, whether in a state or UT, but unfortunately the NC lack this will and its ministers making such statements which carry no significance at any level in Jammu and Kashmir.


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