Labour Deptt holds series of awareness, registration Camps in Ramban


RAMBAN, Jan 31
In line with the directives of Deputy Commissioner Baseer-Ul-Haq Chaudhary, the Labour Department Ramban today held a series of awareness and registration camps for labourers on the JK Samadhan Portal. The camps were held at Dalwas and Marog NH construction sites, as well as at the ALC office under the leadership of Assistant Labour Commissioner Ramban Amit Kumar, where an on-spot registration counter was set up.
To facilitate the process, the Labour Department has been working in close coordination with Common Service Centres (CSCs) across the district and established a District Control Room to ensure maximum registration.
As a result of today’s efforts, over 100 labourers were successfully registered on the JK Samadhan Portal, marking a significant step towards achieving comprehensive registration of all eligible labourers in the district.
During the camps, Assistant Labour Commissioner Amit Kumar, along with Labour Inspector Tanveer Ahmed, DEO Irfan TO, and MTS Rohit Kumar, briefed the labourers about various labour laws and welfare schemes of the J&K Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board (JKBOCWWB). The team emphasized the importance of registration and encouraged workers to avail themselves of the government benefits designed for their welfare.
The workers can contact Tanveer Ahmed (DEO) at 9797354805 for more information and assistance regarding registration.


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