Aries : The impact of planets will bring you mixed luck in your career. For the most part, it’s best to just go with the flow and do not try to make any ambitious moves. If you are in business, you will face the most struggles and may end up facing many obstacles if you try to expand your business in hurry. However, Venus indicates that the latter half of the week would be a period for most of the goodness at your financial front. You may be able to get some pending dues around the end of this week. In terms of love relationship this week is going to be good with the blessings of Venus, It will give chance to spend quality time together with your beloved. This week may remain favorable for your health and fitness. You are likely to have major improvement or building up strength and stamina. The impact of stars will help you to get success in your studies during this week. But stray thoughts or wayward approach may interfere and distract your attention

Taurus : The impact of North Node may bring some uncertainty on business front in the beginning of this week. Expect things to start rolling in your favor, from midweek, though. Your career may pick up gradual momentum during the latter half of this week. You will also have tremendous self-control which will lead you to steady financial growth. However, avoid taking loans and putting yourself in debt and also try not to avoid speculations with your money. If you are the one who has kept yourself detached from love relations for the past few weeks, then it is time to change your outlook and let the planets do the best. You must take good care of your digestion during this week.

Gemini : The energy of South Node can be disruptive hence you will have to be aware of some tricky situations and illusionary thoughts to avoid problems in your career. If you are in business, your paper planning done in the previous weeks may not match with your targets so you will have to find an answer from yourself. What you will be doing now will be meant for you, and you will realize the positive comic energy gradually. You need to make efforts that will bring out the best in you to achieve your financial goals. There are likely to be some challenges, intimacy problems, and certainly some disruptions in your love life. Also, your health may get disturbed and you may have a lack of appetite which may result in weakness.

Cancer : Mercury may now bring much better clarity about how to proceed further to achieve your career goals. However, in the period around the end of this week you are likely to face some adverse situations which might affect your planning particularly if you are in business. This week will remain good for your financial and investments. You may also plan to buy assets this week. Venus may bring some pleasant surprise. It would be a good opportunity to display your love and devotion. This week will be an important for your education and it will be crucial for you to step up your efforts and prove your talents. You may have to face stiff competition at every steps and hence you will have to take on the challenge.

Leo : Jupiter will bring a sense of passivity on the career front during this week. Well, not all the time. Around the middle of this week, Mars will face some challenges at your work place. If you want your career graph to move upwards, do your best to complete the task efficiently. As the week begins, the influences of Mars will also push you to remain attentive about the requirements of your family. Go slow and steady to maintain positive momentum and growth in your financial status. Venus may help you express your emotions efficiently and may make you able to take your relationship to the next level of joy and satisfaction during this week. The favourable impact of planets may help you and your education should proceed smoothly during this week. This week may remain favourable for your health and fitness.

Virgo: Due to ample support of Jupiter, you will be able to push things ahead during this week. It can be a good period to carry out the business plans and to communicate the new ideas and to launch new products for the business growth. You shall be poised to strike profitable deals during this week. You are likely to get many opportunities for financial gain hence the ending part will be a period of happiness and comfort. At times during this week, you may not be sure as to what direction to take, when the crises arise. In case of troubles and conflicts due to the impact of Mars, try your best to avoid angry confrontations. Mercury may help you creating a strong positive environment and likely to expand your knowledge base. You will be much more aware about your health and fitness issues and addressing some old issues may help you to become more productive as the week advances.

Libra : This week will prove to be a hectic and demanding one for you. Some issues may crop up at your work place and may disrupt the harmony around the mid of this week. Keep your cool this is just a passing phase. If you are doing business, you need to keep a close watch on your competitors so that you can earn better. The week is going to be positive in terms of finances. But, you need to make sure you don’t loosen the purse string too much around the middle of this week. Venus may bring some thrilling romantic experiences during this week. Your social life will be buzzing with activities during this week. You may not have strong support system as the week progress and hence you may have to act wisely on your own to make progress in your studies.

Scorpio: Saturn may bring some stiff challenges at your work place as the week begins. Gradually you will have better control over the situations and you are likely to act with more confidence. It will be a time to take some vital decisions regarding your profession. Jupiter may provide ample of opportunities to reap in more dividends and strengthening your financial position. It will bring with it positive showers of profitability and gains. It will be a week to nurture the bond of love in your relationship. The period around the middle of this week is likely to prove crucial for love. You shall like to cement your relationship with the thought of a long term commitment. Mercury will help you to find new ways of learning and communicating or new systems of knowledge which will expand your horizon and likely to help your overall growth in studies. Mars however indicates that vicissitudes in health are possible during this week. You should take proper diet when overworked, overtired.

Sagittarius : As the week begins your professional collaborations are up for major review. It is tricky phase and if you don’t speak your truth, resentment can set in and that is not productive. It will be a favourable phase to enhance your financial strength. However, Mars indicates that your ambitious and impulsive which may cause problems around the midweek. As the week begins North Node may bring some anxiety due to confusions in your love life. Don’t lose your cool, spend time with your beloved. Friends will add some soothing impact around the middle of this week with good company or group activity. Saturn may require you to step up your efforts and prove your talents as there may be stiff resistance and competition to face. This week may force you to focus on improving your habits and switching to a healthier lifestyle.

Capricorn : Some complicated issues may keep bothering you in the beginning but as the week progresses, positive results are likely to come your way. The middle part of this week will be very important and the event that may occur during this phase may have intense impact on your career progression. Strong impact of Venus might bring some good earning opportunities during the ending part of this week. Important issues related to family and domestic matters may cause some rifts and conflicts, suggests Mars. However, as the week progresses, you may be eager to take your relationship to another level for a better part of this week. Your intelligence and hard work will help you to do well in studies and examination. Teachers and friends may be supportive of your efforts. This week may bring harmonious impact on your health. You can expect to have more balanced life style.

Aquarius : Venus indicates a positive week for career growth and there will be wonderful tidings. There will be very good opportunities for career growth. t will be equally good phase if you are doing business and you are likely to make some good deals or contracts this time around. The planetary transits indicate a prosperous week for you. You can expect to get some good rewards form your old investments. Conditions will be much more favourable around the week end. If you are not in relationship, you will be able to attract love mates with your charm and enthusiasm. Planetary aspects are not so encouraging for the academic growth in the beginning of this week. If you are in advanced studies, you will find it hard to do well in your courses.

Pisces : The combined impact of Saturn and North Node show variations again this week. Indeed, handling rough roads will not be easy. But, you can always act tactfully. Business people need to exert more to achieve their objective. However, some constraints can hold them from accelerating the pace of progress. As the week advances expenses for entertainment, hotel bills and other family matters will increase. Focus on saving money in this week, rather than spending it on unnecessary things. The expansive impact of Jupiter may act in your favour and likely to boost your love prospects though. This may be the right time for you to appear in any competitive exams and chances to excel are bright. Your efforts can help to improve your individual skills and performance.
From the beginning of this week, you will be in a good energy level and full of enthusiasm. You will be able to take care of various situations very well.


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