Dogra Degree College students visit Mubarak Mandi Complex


Bari Brahmana, Nov 23
Dogra Degree College organized a visit to the Mubarak Mandi Complex for its students to mark World Heritage Week.
A group of 50 students accompanied by their teacher mentors Rinkal Gupta, Ashish Thakur & Shivangi Dharora visited the Mubarak Mandi Complex on the 23rd November 2024.
The students showed keen interest in knowing about the cultural heritage of the Dogra dynasty. It was a great experience as the museum showcases a blend of exquisite architectural styles from European, Mughal to Rajasthan.
The palace is a beacon of cultural diversity and lends a distinct character to Jammu.
The Dogra Art Museum situated within the “Pink Hall” has a rich collection containing miniature paintings of various styles of the region including miniatures belonging to Kangra, Jammu, and Basoli art schools. This Historic visit was an eye-opener for the young minds who were acquainted with the courageous stories of Dogra dynasty.
The glory of the heritage site was so inspirational that each and every student felt proud and mesmerized. It was a good learning experience for the faculty and the students who were a part of this visit.
The management representative Dr. Samar Dev Singh Charak, Secretary of Dogra Educational Trust appreciated the initiative taken by Dr. Bela Thakur, Principal and staff of Dogra Degree College.


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