BJP leader Rajeev Charak address water logging issue emerged after encroachment


JAMMU, Aug 22
BJP leader Rajeev Charak today addressed water logging issue emerged after encroachment of drain in Ward No. 48, Kalka Colony of Bahu Assembly Constituency.
As per reports, there was proper arrangement for water drainage but some miscreants encroached on the opening mouth of the drain on the road itself and due to this the water is going into the streets instead of the deep drain due to which water is entering people’s houses. The local people informed BJP leader Rajeev Charak upon which Charak visited the spot and bring the issue to concern authorities. After talking to the officials of Jammu Municipal Corporation and Jammu Authority, the encroachment was demolished so that the water goes into the drain and not into the houses of the people. On this occasion, Raj Pandey, Anu Kumar, Anil Kumar Bhagat, Savitri Devi, Vimla Devi, Santro Devi, Ansh Kumar and Deepak Kumar and others were present.


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