Ice & Steel: World’s Highest Cycling Expedition Culminates On The Banks of Tso-Moriri Lake In Ladakh


Leh , jULY 16
The year 2024 is being celebrated as the Rajat Jayanti of Kargil Vijay Diwas by the entire Nation. To commemorate 25 years of the Kargil Victory and pay rich tribute to the Kargil War Heroes, Indian Army conducted the World’s Highest Cycling Expedition ‘ICE & STEEL CYCLING EXPEDITION’ from 01 to 16 July 2024.
This cycling expedition was flagged-off on 01 July 2024 from Daulat Beg Oldie. After covering a distance of 753Kms in 15 days, the expedition was flagged-in at Tso-Moriri Lake on 16 Jul 2024. The expedition through its journey crossed six passes above 15000ft. The expedition is likely to become the World’s Highest Cycling Expedition having cycled across the World’s Highest Motorable Pass ‘Umling La’ on10 July 2024 and for traversing 753Kms at an average altitude of approximately 15000ft over 15 days.
During the last stretch, the Expedition Team was cheered and welcomed by locals, tourists and the Indian Army troops with great zeal & zest. The Army organised a closing ceremony on the banks of the picturesque Tso Moriri Lake. Medals & Certificates of Appreciation were presented to the Team by the Chief Guest. The unique expedition was an apt depiction of the Grit, Determination and ‘Nation First’ motto of the Indian Army.


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