Gurmeet Singh Honored by INTUC President for 620-Day Fast for Rahul Gandhi as PM


JAMMU, july 8
The world’s first Sardar, Gurmeet Singh made a world record, who made a word record by sacrifice of all his comfort zones for Rahul Gandhi ji and has decided to sacrifice his life till Rahul Gandhi became “Next Prime Minister” of INDIA. This was noticed & honored by Swaminath Jaiswal (Pappu Bhaiya) -National President Indian National Trades Union Congress ( Federation), in a meeting held at Press Club, Jammu along with his team Congressmen and (INTUC) mates specially Haushila Prasad Sharma Delhi, National Gen. Sect. Shetan Singh Solanki, Pradesh Adyaksh Rajasthan, Vikram Thakur Himachal, Shashi Syal State President, He further emphasis to strengthen the (INTUC) wing as per directions of Rahul Gandhi and we should promote (INTUC) wing during this parliamentary elections which seems to be neglected from every sphere of politics.
He further appreciated my sincere efforts of fasting towards the Rahul Gandhi as Next PM and Congress party and acknowledge about my degraded health status due to continuous fasting. He also further instructed me to take care of my health first because I am the only person from the Congress party who took such an oath till Sh. Rahul Gandhi became “Next Prime Minister” of INDIA.
As off now I had not consume any fruits or food items, even I will neither sit nor sleep on the bed since 620 days which means I stand on my oath with dedication and zeal to make Rahul Gandhi as next PM.
I Gurmeet Singh General Secretary JKPCC & President Beopar Mandal, a senior congress Leader shared my regular/Routine workings w.r.t. Jammu East Constituency to Indian National Congress – State & Central Teams along with Swaminath Jaiswal National President INTUC.
I Just want to share & through a ray of light on the visibility of one of the leading thought of a great Leader who had a vision of present scenario around 35 years back, “The nation is in a hurry and we can’t afford to lose time.
My complaint against the Congress is that it is not going as fast as the people are advancing” — SHRIMATI INDIRA GANDHI (Reference taken: Congres Sandesh:Vol.25: No.2 dated Oct-2022) The reasons behind my submission is to overcome or rule out the flaws due to which we loss Elections for Member Parliament (M.P), Member Legislative Assembly (MLA), Corporation & D.D.C in Jammu and Kashmir, UT since the last four terms which implies congress never won the elections after 2008 including fifth time same Result 2024 Election. I Gurmeet Singh General Secretary JKPCC & President Beopar Mandal, Jammu East Constituency, Jammu, JK UT would really also like to have this very opportunity to thank my respected Idols Smt. Sonia Gandhi Ji & Sh. Rahul Gandhi which actually took for the upliftment of the poverty-stricken, remarkable leaderships qualities, upbringing of societies of our whole country, the reasons behind my submission As Congress Leader I want the Rahul Gandhi is the only alternative to Prime Minister and should be the “Next PM OF INDIA”, We all have seen Sh. Rahul Gandhi over his criticism of the government in Parliament despite of all, he calmly & coolly replied to the Government and questioned sternly where the government fails many times to revert him. Last but not the least there leaderships qualities are always boosted & supported me to achieve the said goals & targets.
I have visited, heard & worked for the betterment of different parts of the societies under JK UT and also tagged some of the vital issues and compiled Project Report on “BHARAT JODO YATRA” & “HATH SE HATH JODO ABHIYAN” under which almost 90% of the work in accomplished under my region and rest of the work is in Work-In-Progress.

All the relevant reports for the last 05 years, data collections regarding above ABHIYAN’s also are already shared to all my seniors, juniors and colleagues. This is my initiative under the close guidance and supervision of my superiors especially Sh.G.A Mir, Sh. Vikar Rasool Wani, Sh.Raman Bhalla, Sh.Mulla Ram, Sh.Ravinder Sharma, Sh. Manmohan Singh, & S. Gurdarshan Singh.
I want to brief about myself & my family background in relevance to loyality & dedication towards Congressmen and congress party as well. My father Lt. S. Jaswant Singh (Comrade), Chairman Congress Sewadal –J&K, was a great personality and worrier for Congress party who dedicated his whole life of 80 years for the truly up-liftment and successful functionality of congress party in J&K where in during those days of war in 1965 & 1971, where everyone looks for saving his and his family members but he remains dedicated & priorities the work for congressmen and party. He never sits idle and heartedly work for days and nights. Even in the riots happened in 1984, no sikh family supported to congressmen during that tenure but my father took a stand of dedication & supports congressmen with loyalty.
My father always supported whole heartedly to the Gandhian family even at the time of crisis and peace, especially to late Smt. Indira Gandhi and late Sh. Rajiv Gandhi. Many times Late Sh.Rajiv Gandhi called to my father to get settle at Dehli and serve at All India Level and support them with their vast and rich experiences to lead but he always preferred to work and serve locally at grass-root level and strengthen much more to the congress party.
I am also working whole heartedly with congress party as my father advised me, guide me and the characteristics inherited from him, since long, i am Congressi, initially involved with my father and later at my own.
Presently I am working at Gen. Sect. JKPCC & President Beopar Mandal, a senior congress Leader Jammu East Constituency, Jammu, JK-UT. My work speaks louder than my words, as I had already submitted my regular/Routine workings & also tagged some of the vital issues and compiled Project Report on “HATH SE HATH JODO ABHIYAN” The reasons for sharing my this report to consolidate the efforts of Congressmen for upcoming elections where which we can closely analyze and assess our shortfalls, which can be overcome within pre-required time frame. Therefore it is my submission that as I am sharing my project report which is important for coming elections time, kindly share a word of authoritative order to rest of the workers (in any sort of delegations) to submit their respective work reports irrespective of the post they are holding as Incharge Distt. President, Distt. Sr.Vice-President, Distt. Vice-President, Distt. General Sect.’s, Block Presidents, ward Presidents, state Chairman-OBC & rest of the departments who are working at District Level, so that we can compile and work on one consolidated report to avoid further time management losses. If u would have been considered these my letters and give considerations to all, we would never lost this time elections. Therefore a through enquiry should be done on this and culprits should be punished and out of Indian National Congress with immediate effects.
If reports of these individuals working could have been managed in earlier elections, we could have avoided the previous failures of constitutional elections. Also, please collect it as soon as possible to avoid further damage.
Therefore once again, I want to strict emphasis on this Submission & the only way to achieve the goal to make Rahul Gandhi as “Next PM OF INDIA”, so we can consolidate report and pin-up the weaker & stronger sections to balance them.


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