Sat Sharma, others listen public grievances


JAMMU, july 3
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is committed to the welfare of the people and has earned a special place in heart of people, stated Sat Sharma, former BJP president and former Minister while listening to the public grievances at BJP Headquarter, along with Ashwani Sharma, former MLA, Prof Gharu Ram Bhagat, DDC, and Jeet Angral, former Chairman JMC.
Sat Sharma said that a BJP activist never takes rest and works for the welfare of the people every single second of life. He said that nationalism and love for the society run in the blood vessels of BJP activists, which forces him or her to be dedicated completely.
Sat Sharma further added that BJP under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken strong steps to boost the development in the nation and removed hurdles in the development of Jammu & Kashmir with the abrogation of draconian Article 370. He said that on the one hand where BJP is taking big decisions to boost the economic development in the state, BJP is equally concerned to redress the needs of common masses, for which the BJP has again moved ahead with these public grievances camps in the party headquarters.
Ashwani Sharma said that in order to augment the service to the masses, the party is putting constant efforts in providing solutions to the problems faced by the public in the grievances camps.
He said that every issue presented is being highlighted with the concerned department for their early disposal and to provide prompt relief to the people.
Prof Gharu Ram said that the people from different parts of Jammu & Kashmir visited the party office in the form of deputations to represent the issues like installation of electric poles, street lights, repair of lanes/ roads, job issues etc.


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