S. Varinderjeet Singh Calls for the Liberation of Sikh Prisoners


JAMMU, Apr 16
Adressing a press conference, S. Varinderjeet Singh, Chairman National Sikh front Jammu and Kashmir delved into a myriad of critical issues facing the Sikh community, shedding light on their challenges and advocating for tangible solutions.
Release of Bandhi Singhs : With unwavering resolve, Singh championed the cause of Sikh political prisoners languishing in jails for decades on end, despite completing their sentences. Drawing attention to their plight, Singh emphasized the humanitarian imperative of granting these individuals their rightful freedom and reintegrating them into society. He appealed to all state governments to approach these cases with compassion and urged the central government to intervene decisively to expedite the release of these prisoners, thereby rectifying the injustices endured by the Sikh community.
Ensuring Security for Sikhs in Pakistan : Singh vehemently urged the Indian Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) to engage proactively with the Pakistani government to safeguard the lives and well-being of Sikh families residing in Pakistan. Highlighting the recent tragic incident involving the killing of Sardar Satnam Singh in Peshawar, Singh stressed the urgency of addressing the recurring threats faced by the Sikh minority in Pakistan. He emphasized the imperative for both nations to collaborate in identifying and prosecuting the perpetrators responsible for such heinous acts, ensuring justice and security for Sikhs in the region.
Preserving Punjabi Language and Culture
: Singh passionately condemned the decision by the AAP government in Punjab to strip Punjabi of its status as a medium language for conducting competitive exams. Illustrating the profound cultural and religious significance of Punjabi, Singh underscored its role as the language of the Sikh holy scripture, Guru Granth Sahib, and as a cherished symbol of Sikh identity. He called for an immediate reversal of the decision, asserting that such actions not only disrespect the linguistic heritage of Punjab but also inflict emotional harm on the Sikh community. Singh urged the AAP government to acknowledge its mistake and restore Punjabi as the medium language, accompanied by a sincere apology to the Sikh community for the disregard of their sentiments.
Justice for Operation Bluestar Victims
Expressing profound concern over the prolonged delay in delivering justice regarding the tragic events of Operation Bluestar, Singh highlighted the 100 crore case initiated by S. Gurcharan Singh Tohra former president Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee seeking redress for the atrocities committed. Despite the court’s acknowledgment of the claim, the awaited verdict continues to elude the victims and their families. Singh passionately invoked the principle that “justice delayed is justice denied,” underscoring the urgency for the judiciary to expedite the resolution of this long-standing case. He implored the courts to fulfill their duty in delivering closure and healing to the Sikh community, thereby fostering reconciliation and collective healing.
S. Varinderjeet Singh reiterated his unwavering commitment to amplifying the voices and addressing the concerns of the Sikh community. Through collaborative efforts and decisive action, he affirmed his dedication to fostering a future where Sikhs are empowered, respected, and safeguarded, both within India and on the global stage.
He also welcomed the decision of Pakistan govt in which a sikh Ramesh Singh Arora has been made a minister. Ramesh Singh Arora is a Amritdhari Sikh and he has come to Pakistan assembly after winning for the third time. He is also president of Pakistan Gurudwara prabhandak committee.
Among others who were prominent in the conference were President National Sikh Front S.Kulwant Singh Bhatti, General Secretary National Sikh Front S.Gurdyal singh Bali, S. Gurtej Singh Prince, Gurcharan Singh Sudan and others.


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