JK OBC people demands 27% reservation


JAMMU, Apr 12
All the Jammu & Kashmir O.B.C organizations like Jammu & Kashmir O.B.C.Mahasabha, ALL India Backward Classes Federation J&K Unit, ALL J&K O.B.C Welfare Forum, Presidents of Mandal Commission identified Socially & Educationally Backward Classes and the Intellectuals of O.B.C.Samaj whose castes /classes are identified by Mandal commission today held a Protest-cum-Press conference near Hari Singh Park, adjoining to early times office Jammu on 12.04.2024 at 10.00 a.m to 1.00 p.m regarding the murder of OBC masses identified by Mandal commission having 42% population keeping in view 32% as per census-1931 by implementing only 8 % reservation in JK-UT Govt.Services with the induction of 13 communities out of 16 not identified by Mandal commission viz Acharya Brahmins, Dubdabay Brahmins, Sunar, West Pakistan Refugees (including upper castes), Acharya Brahmins, Jat, Saini, Paddri Tribe, Christian, Bojru, Decount, Ghirath, Bhatti and etc in the lists of JK-UT lists of Other Backward Classes ( OBC’s). The Reservation is only 8% to 65 % of the total JK-UT Population whereas 10% to Phari speaking people having only 10 lakhs population.
The Mandal Commission identified 63 castes and communities of Jammu & Kashmir as Socially & Educationally Backward but The 13 communities out of 16 Non-Mandal commission identified communities are inducted in the lists of JK-UT OBC’s under the Political influence of B.J.P Govt. keeping in view the Lok-Sabha elections. The chairman G.D.Sharma of JK-UT SEBC’s commission has not followed properly the parameters for the identification of SEBC’s(OBC’s) set by the Supreme court of india in its Judgment dt.16.11.1992 on Mandal commission Report-1978 vide paragraph 6, 247, 652 of A.I.R 1993-94 .
The vertical reservation in only meant for Scheduled castes,schedule Tribes and Other Backward Classes under Article 15(4), 15(5) and 16(4),16(5) and 10% EWS( other than Schedule castes,schedule Tribe and OBC’s) is under Article 15(6) and 16(6) but the 10% vertical reservation in the name of Backward Area as R.B.A and 4% as A.L.C+ I.B are unconstitutional and illegal only to give undue benefits of reservation to masses of upper castes for whom 10% EWS is meant. This 14% vertical reservation is share of Mandal commission OBC’s but is being given unconstitutionally in the name of Backward Areas.
However Govt. Provide Horizontal Reservation to residents of BACKWARD AREA and A.L.C+I.B under Article 16(1).
The castes recommended by this commission for induction in the lists of JK-UT OBC’s under the influence of B.J.P Govt. are not identified as Socially & Educationally Backward Classes(OBC’s) by National “Kaka Kalelkar Commission-1955”, nor by the MANDAL COMMISSION-1978 and not identified by the Jammu & Kashmir Backward Classes committees/commissions set up by the erstwhile Jammu & Kashmir Governments “Justice Janki Nath Wazir Committee-1969, Justice A.S.Anand committee-1977, Jammu & Backward Classes Backward Classes Commission-1995 set up by the President of India by issuing an ordinance as then Jammu & Kashmir was under President Rule and then not by the Jammu & Kashmir Backward Classes Commissions from 1997 to 2019 constituted as per Judgment dt.16.11.1992 of Supreme court of india mentioned in paragraph number 123A of A.I.R=1993-94. When EWS 10% reservation under Article 15(6) and 16(6) is meant for castes and communities other than Schedule castes and OBC’s then why Justice (Retd) G.D.Sharma Chairman of Present Socially & Educationally Backward Classes commission has recommended Non-Mandal commission Identified communities and upper castes especially Brahmins for induction in the JK-UT lists of OBC’s.
The Chairman recommended castes/classes who do not carry the Stigma of Social Backwardness and are not KAMEENS and are Landlords and are very very rich and have their Ministers/M.L.A’s since long time and have very good representation in the Govt.Services.
This has been done under the influence of B.J.P Modi Govt. This shows that the political BJP Govt. has shown his old attitude of adopting the discrimination behaviour with lower castes and to dilute the OBC reservation. So we have request to the JK-UT Chairman JK-UT SEBC commission and its members to resign under such circumstances.The BJP Modi Govt.is not serious about the other issues of JK-UT OBC’s.


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