St. Peter’s Catholic Church Takes out Palm Sunday procession


JAMMU, Mar 24
St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Prem Nagar along with Rev. Fr. Kuriakose, the Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Suhail Joseph, the Asst. Parish Priest and all the faithful organized a meaningful Palm Sunday procession on 24 March 2024. Palm Sunday is a Christian celebration that marks the beginning of the Holy Week leading to Easter Sunday. Palm Sunday, also known as Passion Sunday, it is a celebration that commemorates and honours Jesus Christ’s victorious entry into Jerusalem. It is an event that is mentioned in all the four Gospels. He entered Jerusalem on a young donkey showing humility and his followers laid out palm leaves and clothes on the road as an act of homage for royalty.
They were shouting Hosanna, the word “Hosanna” in the context of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem means please save us. Every person who was shouting the word Hosanna was asking Jesus to save them. Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem was an important event as it was to make public His claim to be the Messiah and King of Israel in the fulfillment of the prophecy in Zechariah “Rejoice greatly, O daughter Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter Jerusalem! Lo, your king comes to you; triumphant and victorious is he, humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey (Zech 9:9). Recalling this great event, the event began with blessing of the Palms; people went in procession carrying the palm leaves in their hands from the Church to Residency Road, Vivekananda Chowk and back to St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Prem Nagar.
Hundreds of faithful prayerfully participated in the procession and thousands of people witnessed the event. As the faithful reached before the altar, the readings of the day were read before the people. Rev. Fr. Kuriakose the Parish Priest, in his homily emphasized the readings of the day. He briefly explained the real meaning of Palm Sunday and Jesus Christ’s victorious entry into Jerusalem. He also said that we celebrate Palm Sunday to remember that historic occasion. Thereafter, the gathering came to an end.


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